Sunday, February 27, 2011

Someone crazier than you

I recieved following email from my friend who I will refer to as Dirty.  


From: Dirty (e-mail has been removed for privacy)
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 9:50 AM

To: Harper, Tory

Subject: someone crazier than you...

I have been watching the promos for this on Regis and Kelly all week....a real life forest gump. My favorite is that his wife doesn't like to run :)

have been watching the promos for this on Regis and Kelly all week....a real life forest gump. My favorite is that his wife doesn't like to run :)


Ok, I haven't read any of Dean Karnazes' books or anything so I don't know a ton about him but my first reaction was "THIS GUYS CRAZY".  Is running 50 miles a day really necessary:?  That just seems a little absurd.  I mean, really, 50 miles.  I can't even imagine how one would fuel for a day like that, and then continue to fuel because you will be doing it again the next day.  If you don't sleep that's 2 miles an hour.  Then consider that you need 8 hours of sleep and then an half hour in the morning to get dressed, pack and prepare for your day, then an hour at the end of the day for icing, messages, stretching and showering.  That leaves you with 14 hours in a day to run.  So you are running on average 3.57 miles every hour.

Then I started thinking about the number of pairs of running shoe Dean must go through.  It's generally recommended that you replace running shoes every 300-500 miles (depending on your weight and the surface that you run on)  So Dean will be replacing his running shoes every week and a half!  That's a lot of running shoes.  Holy moly!  I hope northface (his shoe sponsor) were aware of this endeavorer before they agreed to sponsor him.

I could go on and on about all the crazy things that come to my mind when someone talks about running an average of 50 miles a day.  Who knows, maybe I don't love running enough or maybe I don't love pain enough.  Or maybe I'm just not dedicated enough.  The whole thing just seems well, Crazy!

So yes Dirty, there is someone crazier than me out there.


1 comment:

  1. I know that a lot of runners think that Dean is too "commercialized", but I really like him. You should definitely read one of his books. While he does do a lot of "stunts", he also inspires people through his running and the money that he makes through his endeavors goes mostly to charity.
