Thursday, June 30, 2011

Time to Start Eating Like I'm training for an Ironman

So, A couple of weeks ago I decided to pack all my lunches and no longer order take out.  The goal is to save money and calories.  I was given good advice when it comes to making nutritional changes.  Focus on one thing at a time:  don't try to eat in more, reduce processed foods, cut out all sugars, and eat all veggies all in one day.  Take one thing, focus on changing that for a month.  Then take another thing and focus on changing that habit.  So right now I'm focusing on eating out (as stated in my first sentence).

I've started packing lunches.  I realized that this shouldn't be difficult because most of the time when I buy my lunch in the loop I buy a simple sandwich which is either ham or turkey with cheese.  So for that reason I've tried to imitate that lunch at work.  I bring to work bread, cold cuts, Cheese and then small bag of chips and carrots.  As I chose this combo because the fact of the matter is I love Jimmy Johns.  I'm trying to imitate Jimmy John's by making my sandwich on a nice roll that i've bought from the bakery section of the grocery store.  I've been doing this for 3 weeks now and I must say, I've been saving TONS of money.  Most of you are probably saying "Wow, I thought she was a smart girl. How did it take her this long to figure out that she can save money by packing her lunch".  I always knew it, but I just have never actually done it before.

As for dinner this is a challenge that is a little harder.  We tend to eat take out a lot and also eat out a lot.  I've told myself that take out is not an option anymore.  As for actually going and sitting at a restaurant, I'm not really changing that at all.  I generally eat out because it's an organized event for work, I'm traveling or it's an occasion for a friend.  When I eat out, because i'm trying to save money I tend to make sure I have enough to bring home for lunch the next day. It doesn't always work out but i'm trying.  I will keep you updated on how it goes.

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