Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I hate being sick

I haaaate being sick.  I mean really hate it.  I'm a semi type A personality person who is a busy body.  Even on the weekend I can't just hang out on the couch.  I have to have some sort of a plan for the day, with some sort of a list to cross off (even if it's just writing notes and planning a few meals for the week).  It's just who I am.  So this shouldn't shock you that I'm not someone who can rest and just "get healthy".

For the past three days I've been sick. Sunday I had sore throat and some achiness. On Monday I had a man voice and a head so stuffed up my sinus' ached from the El ride today and a feeling of just crap (there's another four letter work that I REALLY feel like, but I've told myself that I will refrain from cursing in this.  I mean, come on, I'm not even into the part of IM training). I've been home from work for a day and a half and I still don't feel like things are looking better.  I made myself go to work today (you should start feeling sorry for me at this point) because I'm worried about falling behind.  I've watched re-runs of Desperate Housewives and more than my share of Lifetime movies (don't judge me, I'm sick).  It's boring at this point.

I hate being sick, especially like this.  I'm not going to wake up and suddenly have no cold and be ready to go run a 10K.  This is going to take some time to get through.  I hate it because I end up having to take off time from training and I end up sitting around feeling sorry myself and then dealing with a boyfriend who has been kept up for by sniffling for three nights.   The moment that I think I might be getting better I start thinking that I can be active.  I do some dishes, take the dog for a walk, update my blog, and check off some stuff on a list.  Then, after about 20 minutes I'm exhausted and getting in bed again.  I'm sure if I wasn't such a bad sick person I would be better a lot faster.  I really do try to be a good sick person, it's just so depressing to sit in bed.

This is especially hard because for one of the few times a year I have NO DESIRE to go to the gym.  I'm to tired.  I just don't feel good.  I  hate this feeling.  I feel lazy, like I'm moving away from my goal instead of getting closer.  I know I'm wining right now.

Ok, I'm tired.  Time to go lay down, rest and watch another re-run of Law and Order SVU.

1 comment:

  1. Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa ( may be another choice. i know alot of people use it, its also non alcoholic, though it's effectiveness is not as good as alcohol based cough medicine, but it's still good to use on not so serious sore throat.
